Tuesday, May 15, 2012

What We Say

Earlier this week I was replanting two lima bean plants that Benjamin and Phoenix placed into small pots.  I want them to see the real beans when they come to visit.  As I planted the beans I thought about the garbage we often tell our kids ... especially at graduation time.  I could tell you some of the cliche's we feed our kids but I want to concentrate on one.  "You can be anything you want." 

Where did we get that hogwash?  Not from God ... He says he made us carefully for His purpose.  He says we have a God-ordered purpose that is our perfect place in His plan.  What we actually are is not something we could just 'want' and it happens.  You see ... that bean plant could want anything it desired but God made it a bean plant.  Maybe if we spent some time finding out God's plan for our kids rather than setting them up to meet our expectations things might work out a little better.  Maybe if we concentrated on God's dream instead of some other dream (you can add whatever dream you like ... stardom ... power ... the American dream) our kids would get some real guidance.  We seem to fear what God will do to our kids rather than seek His will and follow Him.  So we try to make our lima bean plants morph into zucchini plants.  And we make our very special kids what we want them to be.  I was never satisfied until I found God's plan.  That is what I will pray for our graduates.  May God lead their way!.

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