Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Petition

OK folks ... I have a knack for extending my foot into my mouth and generally making myself a nuisance.  So, as I have watched some denominational agencies become active into issues I view as 'politics' I have become increasingly disturbed.  First, the rank and file members of the church do not really get to decide what these agencies advocate.  What right does an agency have to advocate for issues that I oppose?

And another thing ... if our church believes in the power of prayer, shouldn't we ask these agencies to become super prayer warriors for those things which we (in unity) believe we desire God to move in one direction or the other?  Just asking.

So (that foot in the mouth thing) I sent a petition to the General Conference of the United Methodist Church.  The petition is simple.  I ask, in the petition, for General Conference (the only official voice of the United Methodist Church)  to refrain from funding any and all lobbying activities of the General Board of Church and Society (the culprit in many of complaints about lobbying).

Why did I do this?  Because I have watched various branches of our denomination and other faith streams become focused on politics at the expense of the mission of the church.  Names like Rev. Wright, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Pat Robertson (I could go on forever) have immersed themselves in politics and have become poor witnesses of the message of the Gospel.  Whether they are promoting liberation theology, feminist theology, or any other branch of theology, they dilute the Jesus we should all be unifying around.  Rev. Tony Evans said it like this ... any label (liberal, conservative, Jewish, post-modern, traditional, etc.) you put before the word Christian demeans and cheapens the word Christian.  How about we become just Christian?  How about we, as individuals, promote whatever political group we desire ... but don't cheapen the message, witness and work of Jesus by tying His name to our favorite political agenda.

For me, my faith will definitely inform my decision on who I vote for.  But the only candidate I will publicly endorse is Jesus ... who reigns and rules above all politics and would have serious issues with all the political parties I am aware of.  I will pray that our elections will follow God's will for America.  And I will oppose our (and other) denomination's efforts to politicize something that should never be tainted by the rhetoric, the personalities and the viciousness of our political system.  So ... I sent a petition.  Pastor Randy

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