Thursday, March 1, 2012

"Everybody Funny"

There is an old blues song (not a particularly great one) that does have a good tag line.  In the song the singer is trying to stay for a while with a friend but the friend's wife isn't so keen on the idea of the extra guest.  The friend remarks that the wife is acting "funny."  The singer responds, "everybody funny ... now you funny too."

Maybe it is spring fever.  Maybe it is a desire for church and faith to entertain us.  Maybe it is confusing to us when God's leading and will appear to us in conversation with others and in conflict with our desires.  Maybe we have confused God's will with what makes us feel good or what we want to see happen.  Maybe, it is just that we live in a me-focused society and a fear-driven era where our ears are tuned to things other than God.

If you have spring fever and are feeling flighty and scattered, remember Jesus said He would give you a peace that can transcend this scattered world (John 14:27).  If you want your church or your faith to entertain you, remember what Jesus said not to belong to the values of this world (John 15:19).  If God's will confuses you and if you have a hard time settling what God desires of you, remember to pray for the leading of the Holy Spirit who (as a reliable person who loves you) "will guide you into all truth (John 16:13)."  If your focus is on self-preservation or on fear, Jesus tells us to "remain in His love (John 15:9)" and be "filled with my (Jesus') joy (John 15:11)."

John 14, 15, 16 and 17 tell us much about Jesus' priorities and His work and the Spirit's work in the world.  There are attitudes and behaviors produced by a relationship with God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  The words used in this part of John are provision (Jesus is preparing a place), truth (our trust and obedience is an access to ALL truth), presence (God's presence will be with us through the work of the Holy Spirit), peace (Jesus gives a peace the world cannot give), joy (Jesus joy in the midst of toil/torture/trial is something our relationship should produce), fruit (want to be fruitful?  try Jesus!), love (do you want to experience real love ... not the facade of love this world speaks about?), persecution (remember that Jesus said it is a blessed thing to be persecuted for His cause [Matthew 5]), witness (when we have the Spirit we witness to the goodness and grace of Jesus and we go out to do the things He did), belief (all of these behaviors and Holy words come to those who have chosen Jesus ... believe into His way ... choose to love Him above this world), and I could go on.

You can continue to be 'funny' and shun the relationship that is the only path to truth, joy, peace and true love ... or you can choose a life-long relationship with Jesus who said He (not any of the other gods we place on our altar) is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6).  Read John 14-17.  Believe in the one who offers truth.  Stop seeking information about God and seek God!  Stop seeking a church that entertains and feeds you and come focused on devotion to and worship of God ... it is about Him, not you!  Stop thinking God can't communicate to you through other people (when you think about this it is the height of arrogance to think you are the only conduit for God's communication)!  And start living in God's truth, His Spirit, His will and His way.  Pastor Randy

1 comment:

  1. i love the feeling the spirit gives me when it enters my soul, to me this is a special feeling, because god has givin me life, and with it i should share and spread joy to comfort those who otherwise may be living a life that feels as tho theres no tomorrow,only today !
