Monday, February 27, 2012

A Sign of Good Things

The past few weeks have be interesting.  It seems that Satan has been throwing things at me, our staff, our people and at our faith.  He does that, you know, I think to get us off our game and out of our walk with God.  As I was thinking about why this seems to happen.  Then I thought of 2 Corinthians 4 where Paul recounts his troubles and hardships.  He gives us hope in these times of trial.

Paul reminds us that we are fragile (I've always liked the term 'cracked-pots').  He says we are breakable containers that hold great treasure.  We face troubles, we are pressed on every side and we are knocked down by our life-issues.  But then Paul tells us something that comes from our solid foundation in Christ and our basis in His life.  Paul tells us  we are not crushed and we are not driven to despair.  Instead, we rise up again after falling.  We are not destroyed by our trials.  The very life of Christ is seen in our ability to bounce back.

In speaking with one of my friends I remarked that people who are living in the place where Satan is pleased might not be facing today's turmoil or even tomorrow's challenges.  Why should Satan torment them out of the comfort they are experiencing?  They are living in temporary pleasure, a false state of comfort or a place in the unreality of this world that will one day fade away.  My hope for them is that we can lead them into the dangerous, challenging and real world where God is our source of sustenance, Jesus is our source of life and we are always becoming people who live out the resurrection daily.

If life deals you a couple bags of cow manure, go out and plant a tree!  Pastor Randy

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